PS Sued/Pens - collage art by Elisha Sarti

Sorting through the last few unopened boxes packed when I moved from Colorado to New York in 2012, I found this piece I was working on in the mid 2000’s. It’s called PS Sued/Pens because of the text it features. It’s nearly done, I’m just deciding how I’d like to display it as a finished work. I hope to post an update about that very soon! In the meantime, check out these two pictures.

Elisha Sarti - Work in Progress
Elisha Sarti, Working title: PS Sued/Pens, in progress
Acrylic, pen, cardboard, junkmail, paper
(This is the front of the piece.)
11 in x 3 in / 27.94 cm x 7.62 cm.

Larger image: here

Elisha Sarti - Work in Progress
Elisha Sarti, Working title: PS Sued/Pens, in progress
Acrylic, pen, cardboard, junkmail, paper
(This is the back of the piece.)
11 in x 3 in / 27.94 cm x 7.62 cm.

Larger image: here