Art Studio Work in Progress Elisha Sarti

Scroll down to see the history of this piece in progress. The finished painting is here.

Elisha Sarti - Painting In Progress - 2017
Elisha Sarti working on S.E.S.T. (Sky Eye Snaggletooth), in progress, Summer 2017.
Painting on canvas, 30 x 40 in / 76.2 x 101.6 cm. The finished painting is here.

Elisha Sarti - Painting In Progress - 2017
Elisha Sarti, S.E.S.T. (Sky Eye Snaggletooth), on wall, in progress, with various other works in progress, Summer 2017
Painting on canvas, 30 x 40 in / 76.2 x 101.6 cm. The finished painting is here.

Elisha Sarti - Painting In Progress - 2017
Elisha Sarti, S.E.S.T. (Sky Eye Snaggletooth), work in progress – on easel May 14th, 2017
Painting on canvas, 30 x 40 in / 76.2 x 101.6 cm. The finished painting is here.

Elisha Sarti - Painting In Progress - 2017
Elisha Sarti, S.E.S.T. (Sky Eye Snaggletooth), work in progress – what it looks like May 14th, 2017
Painting on canvas, 30 x 40 in / 76.2 x 101.6 cm. The finished painting is here.

Elisha Sarti - Painting In Progress - 2017
Elisha Sarti, S.E.S.T. (Sky Eye Snaggletooth), work in progress – what it looked like a little while ago, 2017
Painting on canvas, 30 x 40 in / 76.2 x 101.6 cm. It has already been sold… Stay tuned to see the finished piece! UPDATE: The finished painting is: here.